Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tech Tuesday

 Short post today, but a handy dandy trick nonetheless!  Store your videos on a Google Slides presentation.  This does three things:

1. Makes it easy to find your favorite video clips from semester to semester.

2. Gets rid of annoying ads!  When you embed a video into a Slides presentation, it does not play the ad at the front nor does it interrupt the video with ads in the middle.

3. By using the video format tools, you can choose where to start and stop the video as is most befitting for your lesson.

I usually try to put notes in the speaker notes section to remind me when to use the video (I forget what I was thinking sometimes!) and information to help me find it again should the link no longer work or it was taken down by YouTube.  

Mind boggling?  No, but if you aren't using this technique, try it!  It makes things so much easier.

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